Here are the birthday guests:
Maddy, the best friend
Jadyn, the favorite cousin
Colt, about the same aged cousin
Hallee, the older aged cousin
Kaden, a neighbor friend
Myah, a neighbor friend that's a girl!
Bridger Bridge --- two days younger than Miss Kate
Then, we started by making fruit loop necklaces and reading Purplicious.Jadyn, the favorite cousin
Colt, about the same aged cousin
Hallee, the older aged cousin
Kaden, a neighbor friend
Myah, a neighbor friend that's a girl!
Bridger Bridge --- two days younger than Miss Kate
After, we had the kids color their very own rainbows on paper plates and then play duck, duck, goose.
Finally, we had them do a foam craft of butterflies and then played 'pink says.'
Last but not least, we decorated our rainbow cupcakes with colorful candy
sang Happy Birthday (thanks for not letting me forget this Ang), and open birthday presents.
Kate also received a new shirt, new jacket with a monkey on it (it's going to be a favorite), m&ms, fruit snacks, light up wand, big bouncy ball, plastic golf kit, charmed necklace, and a new book.
I can't wait to read it and let you know what we think. We love the bear books!
The best part of the party was having 2 fantastic helpers to help do activites while I set up the next project, and a friend for me to visit with (love ya Ang). I will always try to do this from now on, and if I don't have a built in helper, I will pay for one. Seriously!!!
Kristian and Faith
Kristian, Faith's best friend