Wednesday marked the day of Kate's 4th surgery. This time we went with a different doctor and a different surgery center, though still in Salt Lake City, UT.
Tuesday night, we loaded up Faith and Dawson to go to Grandma's house. We headed down to Salt Lake and arrived around 9:30 pm. Kate had slept the whole way down, so she didn't fall asleep until midnight.
Wednesday morning we brought her to the LDS Avenues Surgical Center, filled out paperwork, and disagreed about giving her Versed (a medicine that helps them relax before surgery and helps them forget.) We wanted to go ahead without, but the anesthesiologist basically insisted. She was so loosey-goosey, couldn't hold her head up, etc. I still don't know if I liked that medicine.
Surgery actually went 1 hour and 15 minutes. The doctor told us 45 minutes and the surgery center told us an hour, so either way it was longer than anticipated. They cleaned out all of her sinuses, widened one area of her sinuses on each side, replaced the tubes and put a skin patch on the right ear, and removed the adnoid tissue that grown back.
Yesterday, her eyes started to swell up, so she has been put on an antibotic. This was as wide as her eyes would open yesterday.
Poor Kate. i really hope this surgery does it for her and makes her feel better.What an ordeal
I hope this is the magic & last surger for her too. The dandelions are not from my yard. I stole the idea and the picture from Becky's blog.
What a sad picture! I always thought 3rd time was a charm- but let's cross our fingers that the 4th time does it for Kate.
Kate (and you for that matter) are such troopers! Uh, your hair is so long and beautiful! I miss you guys...
Poor little Kate!! I feel so bad for her. I sure hope this finally cures the illness she has had forever... Did the new doctor have hope? Did he think it would be the last time? Why do they think it can't seem to get fixed or her better?
I'd be so very frustrated. Kind of weird about the medicine. I wonder why they push it so hard? Hmmmmm.. What does your Mom think about that medicine?
OK.. I know - lots of questions. I just feel so bad that Kate.. Poor little girl. We'll be praying for her.. Love you!
I am sorry to hear that she had to have another surgery...I hope this one turns out well.
Poor thing! I hope this is the last one. It doesn't matter if it is my child or not, no child should have to go through so much. Good luck with everything.
Our prayers are with Kate and your family! We pray that this will be the surgery to end it all! Kate is such a trooper! Oh, and how do you look so good for it being so early in the morning!
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