Saturday, March 5, 2011


There are many things in life that could be easy. Notice that I say 'could.'

This past year, we have had to do many things for her, including a frenectomy (clipping part of her gum tissue between her lip and bottom teeth.) It was very high and was causing the gum tissue to pull down.

Knowing that that was taken care of and not causing any further damage, that got put on the back burner while her tonsils were removed right after 2 teeth were pulled.

Those bottom teeth are just so sensitive that she does not brush good, so the time had come.

On Friday, we went up to Idaho Falls to a periodontist for Faith. They were the best medical office that I have ever had to deal with! (Dr. Ethan Moulton) Anyhow, we had a plan. This plan consisted of starting antibotics, coming up for the consultation, taking medication to help her 'forget' and to relax, and doing the gum graft. Sounds simple, right? WRONG!!!

The office manager, Chelsea, came in to make Faith comfortable. We took of the shoes, put on music, got her a blanket, and really just talked to her for almost 2 hours.

Chelsea and Faith

They did the initial consultation and impression. She was very vary of what they were doing. So, we decided on the gas too. Then came the 'shot.'

Granted, this is from my child, who at 3, talked about how good 'immunizations' were and how it was okay to get a shot, etc. Faith must have remembered too well how they numbed the roof of her mouth to pull the last 2 teeth. She jumped and the needle jabbed her just a bit. I told Brandon that there must be a baby in the office or maybe next door, because I heard crying. No, that wasn't a baby, that was Faith!

Dr. Moulton, along with Chelsea, came to talk to us. He let us know that because she was so skiddish, we would not get a good end result. He also talked about a friend pediatric dentist who had a wall full of pictures of children. He told Dr. Moulton at the last visit to his office, "Do you see these pictures behind me? These are all the children that have puked in my office. Whenever someone pukes, we tell them how brave they were, ask to take their picture, and give them a t-shirt." So, he said, we want to make this a good experience for her. What does that mean? We told her that she did awesome! We got the first step done, and when we come back, we will finish it up. They gave us 3 cards for free jambas too!

So, we are know going to do things "the hard way." We are working with the office to do it at a surgical center so that she doesn't have to remember.

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