Doctrine and Covenants 42:42 "Thou shalt not be idle; for he that is idle shall not eat the bread nor wear the garments of the laborer."
Enjoy the story!

There was once a little red hen who found some wheat seed. She went to her friends and asked, "Who will help me plant this wheat?"

"Not I," said the rat.

"Not I," said the cat.

"Then I will plant the wheat myself," said the little red hen. And she did.
The wheat was soon ripe and ready to cut. The little red hen went to her friends and asked, "Who will help me cut this wheat?"

"Not I," said the rat.
"Not I," said the cat.
"Not I," said the dog.
"Not I," said the pig.
"Then I will cut the wheat myself," said the little red hen. And she did.
The wheat was cut and ready to be taken to the miller to be ground. The little red hen went to her friends and asked, "Who will help me carry this wheat to the miller?"

"Not I," said the rat.
"Not I," said the cat.
"Not I," said the dog.
"Not I," said the pig.
"Then I will take the wheat to the miller myself," said the little red hen. And she did.
The wheat was ground and ready to bake into bread. The little red hen went to her friends and asked, "Who will help me bake some bread?"

"Not I," said the rat.
"Not I," said the cat.
"Not I," said the dog.
"Not I," said the pig.
"Then I will bake the bread myself," said the little red hen. And she did.
The bread was baked and ready to eat. The little red hen went to her friends and asked, "Who will help me eat this bread?"

"I will," said the rat.
"I will," said the cat.
"I will," said the dog.
"I will," said the pig.
"No you will not! I will eat the bread myself," said the little red hen. And she did.
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