Monday, February 13, 2012


Tonight our family home evening was based on a talk that I heard from one of the Bishop's during ward conferences. (I was lucky enough to even get a copy of it!)

We started with the scripture in D&C 18:10. "Remember the worth of souls is great in the sight of God." We discussed how the world and God see things differently and worth is not based on social classes or fame and fortune. We are all important to our Heavenly Father.

Then we started opening presents.

Our Heavenly Father considers us SO WORTH IT that He has given us our free agency.

Our Heavenly Father considers us SO WORTH IT that He blesses us with a living prophet.

Our Heavenly Father considers us SO WORTH IT that He has blessed us with the opportunity to receive the Gift of the Holy Ghost.

Our Heavenly Father considers us SO WORTH IT, He has given each of us the opportunity to receive a Patriarchal Blessing.

Our Heavenly Father considers us SO WORTH IT, He commands His shepherd to leave the ninety and nine to go in search of the wandering or lost one.

Our Heavenly Father considers us SO WORTH IT, He has blessed us with temples. When we are prepared, the opportunity to go to His House and make sacred covenants with Him.

Our Heavenly Father considers us SO WORTH IT that He has given us families to help us learn the gospel and bear each other's burdens.

Our Heavenly Father considers us SO WORTH IT, he has given us His only begotten son to atone for our sins and to make it possible to repent and to return to live in His presence.

Then I shared part of Janice Kapp Perry's song "I am of Infinite Worth."
"All I need to remember if ever I wonder if I am of worth,
remember my Savior; what he did for me when he walked among men on this earth.
Pain and unspeakable sorrow he bore for my sins there, in Gethsemane,
then he gave up his life as he hung on the cross and he did it all for me!

Yes, I am of worth, of infinite worth, my Savior, Redeemer loves me.
Yes, I am of worth, of infinite worth, I'll be all he wants me to be."

The family home evening went great! I had quotes and thoughts and we discussed each present as we went. It's definitely worth wrapping a few items that you have around to have a meaningful family home evening. I hope that they remember it!!!

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