Thursday, June 14, 2012


Phil Meador Toyota has run a program called "PASS" (Perfect Attendance Spells Success) for the last couple of years for the 5th graders in Southeast Idaho.

This year, Faith became a 5th grader and with that had a chance to earn the PASS reward, a new bike.  The rules are that you have to attend every day ... bell to bell attendance.  No doctors appointments, no dentist appointments, no leaving early.  The challenge?  What if you become sick? 

In 3rd grade, she missed 17 days.  We could not keep her healthy, so we decided to take out her tonsils (aka throat nuggets).  In 4th grade, she missed 16 days because we took out her tonsils (aka throat nuggets). 

We were unsure of how the year would go, but this was a good goal.  I am not a fan of perfect attendance because of the kids that go to school sick.  I was one of those kids in 3rd grade.  I barfed all over my desk and then refused to go home.  I'm sure Mrs. Chambers was so thrilled I wanted to stay.  Faith made it with just a couple of colds.  She never had a fever, never had the stomach flu.  So, she went everyday. 

Phil Meador had a BBQ to reward all of the kids with their brand new bikes.  Chubbuck Elementary was well represented and many of the kids were in Faith's class.

The police department tagged all of the bikes for free.  If it gets stolen and recovered, they will know where to take it back to!  All of the kids also receive a new bike helmet!

My take?  Well, Faith had an incredible year and ended with all A's.  On her ISATs, she scored high proficient in everything, except language, which she scored advanced.  I think that it helped that she was there everyday to learn.

Faith, we are so proud of you for achieving perfect attendance!  Give yourself a pat on the back and then take a nice bike ride!

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