Sunday, March 9, 2014


Brandon was asked to make the wedding cake for my cousin Autumn. AKA Olive. After thinking it through, he decided that it would be a good challenge.

Last minute delays meant that he would stay home, while I would go with the kids to the temple for the wedding. I wasn't worried about the kiddos at all. They did so good. Here are 2 that cooperated for a quick picture right outside the Rexburg temple.

They were so cute! So happy for them!

And, lucky me. I got the first wedding selfie of the day! What a fun and special day for them.

The sealer told a couple stories. One about making it a priority to go to the temple and how a couple went 52 times their first year of marriage. Another one was so sweet. The couple was given 2 down pillows for their wedding. After years of use, the wife brought their pillows in to a seamstress to see what could be done for them. It was suggested that they combine the 2 to make only 1. Each night, the couple would race to the bedroom to make sure the other would get this pillow. It was quite a touching story.

Later that night, I was scanning the table to look over the wedding gifts. It made me smile to see that there were 2 pillows there. So sweet!

The first wedding cake had several problems, including that we could not get into the church when we had planned and also that the flowers were not at the church while we were decorating. But, all in all, it turned out quite well and I was so proud of Brandon!

There was a ring ceremony and then we were able to visit for quite awhile before they cut the cake. I was sad that I didn't get any pictures of how much fun we had! Sondra, Jason, Sharon, Brandon, Faith, and myself laughed it up pretty hard! Next time, we really need a picture!!!

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