Friday, April 8, 2011

467 DAYS

467 days OR 1 year, 3 months, and 12 days.

That is how many days it has taken us to pay off our consumer debt.

If you haven't ever checked Dave Ramsey's principles out, I highly encourage you to do it now! His program has changed our lives and the way that we think about money.

Not only do I need to thank Dave Ramsey, I need to thank my friend, Megan. She was the one that introduced us. I remember her recommending his class to us, Financial Peace University. She shared with us a DVD that was a preview of what the class offers. She was so excited about it, that I took the DVD and put it in the computer. Brandon and I sat and watched. That was November 2009.

We were on board and wanted to start right away, but didn't know exactly how. December 2009, we had an extra pay check coming in. For us, it all started December 27th, 2009 with baby step 1.

Baby step #1 - 1,000 dollars to start an emergency fund
We did this by selling our big screen TV and other items that we didn't mind parting with. And instead of blowing that extra paycheck, we made it start working with us.

Baby step #2 - Pay off all debt by using the debt snowball
We have paid off everything except our house, 2nd mortgage, and student loans. The debt snowball is different than everyone else's debt payment plan.

We have deviated a little bit throughout these days. We bought our Dave truck and also have paid for a bunch of medical, including 2 surgeries and a surgical procedure.

So, technically, we are not debt free, but today, 467 later, we have made baby steps to having an emergency fund and have paid off 'stupid with a bunch of zeros'! And it feels great!

My challenge to you is to watch this video. It is 24 minutes long. I promise that it will be worth your time. So, if you can't commit to 24 minutes, watch at least 14 minutes of it. Dave is a great motivational speaker ... it is quite entertaining.

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