Sunday, December 22, 2013


After 6 1/2 years, I made a decision with Brandon to stop scorekeeping basketball on Saturdays.

After Kate was born, Brandon and I started cleaning buildings at night to make the extra money that we needed. And then my good friend Echo suggested that I would just work on Saturdays with her scorekeeping. This was such a huge blessing to be able to go with a friend and not be away from my family every night.

We began calling this day, "Cinnamon Saturday." Every Saturday, we would head up to Geraldines to buy cinnamon rolls. One week, she would buy; the next would be my turn. It was quite enjoyable!

After she moved to Texas, I continued to do this wonderful 'job.' Due to budget constraints (hehe), I would buy 2 doughnuts each Saturday. One for me, and one for whoever was my partner that day.

To see the kids every Saturday learn and grow was quite fun. It never felt like a job. I eventually started doing men's league, women's league, and softball during the summer. This year, my 1st job at the spa has become much more than what it started out to be. All fall season, I wrestled with this decision. But in the end, it was an easy one. More time with my family won.

Scott, Kenny, and me at Irving this November

So, on the last Saturday this month, I drove the familiar path to Geraldines with snow on the road and picked up two cinnamon rolls. I held back tears all day and tried to take it all in. I am happy to be able to spend my Saturdays with my kids making memories! And maybe we'll have to get some cinnamon rolls ever once in awhile.

Thank you to all my co workers at Parks and Rec in Pocatello! You have all been fantastic and I will miss our Saturdays together!

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